Kristin's Story

In January 2010, I weighed in at over 620 lbs. I decided to SERIOUSLY take on my challenge with obesity in April 2010, since then I have lost 182 lbs. It took me only 16 months to shed the weight!! In January of 2011, after I released the first 100lbs, I found a lump in my breast, further tests confirmed a diagnosis of stage 4 metastatic breast canSer (Bone Mets). The irony is that 3 months before, in October of 2010, I had completed my first 5k, which just happened to be the Susan G Komen: Race for the Cure, while suffering from EXCRUCIATING PAIN due to the Bone Metastasis. I had NO idea I had breast canSer. I thank the Lord that I took on my health when I did, had I not lost the weight, I never would have found the lump hidden under the fat in my breast. 

My journey to get healthy, has now become a SERIOUS wake up call!!! Mark my words.... AM TAKING ACTION!! I am getting healthier and healthier EVERY DAY!! This canSer came to teach me a VERY important lesson on how to treat my body, I am LISTENING and LEARNING. As soon as I have learned enough, the canSer will leave in peace, having been the GREATEST teacher I have ever had!! (and BOY have I had some GREAT ones!! )

I want NO ONE to hold in their head the thought, "Oh!! POOR KRISTIN!!!!" I AM NOT POOR!!! I am RICH!! RICH in Friends!! Rich in Experiences!! Rich in Knowledge!! Rich in Love!!! RICH IN LIFE!!!!! This diagnosis is the BEST thing to EVER happen to me!!! I wake up EVERY morning and THANK THE LORD for another BEAUTIFUL DAY!! I hope YOU do the SAME!!! 

Thank you SO much for following my journey! I hope you love my blog as much as I love bringing it to you!! Please know that there are many aspects to it that are not working right now. But as new areas come open, I will let you all know!! xoxoxo

My Baby girl Emma! The little Angel sent to help me along on my journey. I <3 her so!